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LUTRON PC-6010 Power Clamp Meter

Kategori: LUTRON | Dilihat: 50 Kali
Harga: Rp 2.050.000 Rp 2.200.000
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Kode Produk: LUTRON PC-6010 Stok Tersedia - 11-07-2024
Detail Produk

LUTRON PC-6010 Power Clamp Meter Tangerang Harga Terbaik

LUTRON PC-6010 Power Clamp Meter adalah untuk mengukur arus listrik pada sebuah kabel konduktor yang dialiri arus listrik dengan memakai dua rahang penjepit atau clamp tanpa harus kontak langsung dengan terminal listrik.

Features :

*Watt ( true power ), ACV, DCV, ACA, OHMS, Diode.
*Watt measurement via the inductive clamp jaw.
*Wide range for power measurement, max. value up to 100 KW.
* Design meet IEC 1010 safety requirement.
* Heavy duty ACA clamp meter, 600 A max. range.
* Compact & heavy duty ABS housing plastic case.
*Measure AC current by the inductive conductor.
* LSI circuit provides high reliability and durability.
* LCD display, clear readout
*Overload protection circuit is provided for all range.
Measurement Watt (true power). DCV, ACV, ACA, ohms, Diode.
Polarity Automatic Switching, " - " indicates negative polarity.
Current Sensor Hall effect sensors.
Over-input Display shows " 1 " or " -1 ".
Watt Zero Adjustment Built-in external adjustment knob.
Sampling Time Approx. 0.4 second.
Operating Temp. 0 to 50 '" ( 32 to 122 ' ).
Operating Humidity Less than 80% RH.
Dimension HWD 230 x 74 x 38 mm.
Conductor Size 73.5 mm ( 2.9 inch ) - out side.

Function Range Resolution Accuracy Overload Protection

AC Watt 20 KW 0.01 KW ( 3% + 8d ) Volt input : (true power) AC 600V
100 KW 0.1 KW ( 3% + 5d ) Current input : AC 500A
DC voltage 200 V 0.1 V (0.8 % + 1 d ) DC 600 V.
AC voltage 600 V 1 V (1% + 2 d) AC 600 V.
OHMS 2 k ohm 1 ohm (1 % + 1 d) AC/DC 250 V
AC current 200 A 0.1 A (2% + 10 d) 1000 ACA
600 A 1 A (2% + 5 d) (within 1 min.)
Diode Short/non conductance, good/defect test
Continuity A continuity testing beeper is equipped, so when checking circuits of shorts or Beeper opens, then it is not necessary to look at the meter. The Beeper sounds will be generated if continuity is present.

Standard Accessories ( Termasuk )
Instruction Manual
Test lead (red & black)
Battery 9 Volt

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