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Lutron HT-306 Humidity Temp Dewpoint Original

Kategori: LUTRON | Dilihat: 54 Kali
Harga: Rp 1.600.000 Rp 1.700.000
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Kode Produk: Lutron HT-306 Stok Tersedia - 16-07-2024
Detail Produk

Jual Lutron HT-306 Humidity Temp Dewpoint
* Humidity + Temperature + Dew point are combined into one meter, intelligent and professional.
* 0.01 %RH resolution for the humidity reading,
0.01 degree resolution for the Temp. reading.
* Pocket size, all in one, meter combine with humidity and humidity probe.
* Fast humidity measuring response time.
* High accuracy and high precision.
* Dew point measurement.
* Manual and auto manual data logger.
* Just few panel buttons, easy operation.
* Microprocessor circuit assures maximum possible accuracy, provides special functions and features.
* LCD with two display, easy readout.
* Heavy duty & compact housing case, designed for easy carry out & operation.
* Records Maximum and Minimum readings with Recall.
* Auto shut off saves battery life.
* Data hold function for freezing the desired value
on display.
* RS 232 PC serial interface.
* Show the humidity & temperature values on the LCD display at same time.
* Built-in low battery indicator. Wide humidity & temp. measuring range.
* DC 9V power adapter input socket.

Operating Temperature 0 to 50 ℃.
Operating Humidity Main instrument : Less than 85% R.H.
Probe : 0 to 95 %RH.

Range 10 % to 95 % R.H.
Resolution 0.01 % R.H.
Accuracy >70% RH : (3% reading + 1% RH).
<70% RH : +-3% RH.

Range 0 to 50 ,32 to 122 F
Resolution 0.01 degree
Accuracy - 0.8 .. - 1.5 F

Dew Point.
Range -25.3 . to 48.9℃
Resolution 0.01℃
Range -13.5 to 120.1 ℉.
Resolution 0.01℉.

Accessories termasuk :
* Instruction Manual
* Kartu Certificate Calibration
* Batere kotak 9 Volt

Optional Accessories ( Tidak termasuk ):
* USB cable, USB-01
* Data Acquisition software, SW-801-WIN
* Case wall holder, WH-08.

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