Lutron CO2-9904SD CO2 Meter Humidity/Temp Original
Jual Lutron CO2-9904SD CO2 Meter + Humidity/Temp
* Air quality measurement application, multi-function : CO2 , Humidity & temp
* CO2 range : 0 to 6,000 ppm x 1 ppm.
* Humidity range: 10 to 95 %RH
* Temp. range : 0 to 50.0 ℃, ℃/℉.
* Dew point Temp. and Wet bulb Temp. measurement.
* CO2 sensor : NDIR, long term reliability.
* Humidity sensor : Precision capacitance sensor
* Inovasi dan pengoperasian yang mudah, tidak perlu Software tambahan, setelah menyelesaikan proses datalogger, cukup ambil SD Card dari meteran dan colokkan kartu SD ke komputer, dapat mengunduh semua nilai yang diukur dengan informasi waktu ( tahun / bulan / tanggal / jam / menit / detik) ke Excel secara langsung, kemudian pengguna dapat membuat sendiri analisis data .
CO2 Range 0 to 6,000 ppm, Resolution 1 ppm
Accuracy ± 40 ppm ≦1,000 ppm.
± 5% of reading
23 ± 5 ℃. * > 1,000 ppm ≦ 3,000 ppm.
± 250 ppm typically
* > 3,000 ppm, reference only
Repeatability ± 20 ppm * ≦ 3,000 ppm.
Temperature Range 0 ℃ to 50 ℃,32 ℉ to 122 ℉.
Resolution 0.1 degree
Accuracy ℃ : ± 0.8 ℃ ℉ : ± 1.5 ℉.
Humidity Range 5 % to 95 % R.H, Resolution 0.1 % R.H.
≧70% RH : ± (3% reading + 1% RH).
< 70% RH : ± 3% RH.
Range 0 ℃ to 50 ℃,32 ℉ to 122 ℉.
Resolution 0.1 degree
Accuracy ℃ ± 0.8 ℃. ℉ ± 1.5 ℉.
Dew Point Temp. ( Humidity )
℃ Range -25.3 ℃ to 48.9 ℃ Resolution 0.1 ℃
℉ Range -13.5 ℉ to 120.1 ℉. Resolution 0.1 ℉.
Wet bulb Temp. ( Humidity )
℃ Range -21.6 ℃ to 50.0 ℃ Resolution 0.1 ℃
℉ Range -6.9 ℉ to 122.0 ℉.Resolution 0.1 ℉.
Remark :
* Wet bulb display value is calculated from the Humidity/Temp.
measurement automatically.
Accessories included ( termasuk dalam alat)
* Instruction manual
* Hard case CA-06
* CO2 probe
* Humidity probe
* Batere AA (1.5V) 6 pcs
Optional accessories ( Tidak termasuk )
* SD card
* DC Adaptor AP-9VA sebagai pengganti batere
* USB-01 USB Cable
* Data Acquisition software, SW-U801-WIN.
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