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Lutron WAC-2019SD Conductivity TDS Salinity Water Hardness

Kategori: LUTRON | Dilihat: 65 Kali
Harga: Rp 4.850.000
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Kode Produk: Lutron WAC-2019SD Stok Tersedia - 23-07-2024
Detail Produk

Jual Lutron WAC-2019SD termasuk 1 sensor CDPB-04 Pt Conductivity/TDS/Salinity/ Hardness
Real time SD memory card Datalogger, sampling time set
from 1,2,5,10,30,60,120,300,600,1800,3600second
1a. PH
PH Optional,
Measurement PH 0 to 14 PH resolution 0.01 PH, accuracy ±(0.02 PH + 2 d)
1b. ORP
mV -1999 mV to 1999 mV
Res: 1 mV , Accuracy ±(0.5% + 2 d)
1c. Temperature
Manual: 0 to 100 ℃, be adjusted by Compensation push button on front panel.
Automatic With the optional temperature probe ( TP-07 ) 0 to 65 ℃.
2a. Conductivity ( Accuracy ± 2% F.S.+1d )
200 uS 0 to 200.0 uS 0.1 uS
2 mS 0.2 to 2.000 mS 0.001 mS
20 mS 2 to 20.00 mS 0.01 mS
200 mS 20 to 200.0 mS 0.1 mS

2b. TDS ( Total Dissolved Solids / Accuracy± 2% )
Range 1: PPM 0 to 132 PPM / 0.1 PPM
Range 2 : 132 to 1,320 PPM / 1 PPM
Range 3 : 1,320 to 13,200 PPM / 10 PPM
2Range 4: 13,200 to 132,000 PPM / 100 PPM

3a. Salt
Measurement 0 to 12 % salt ( % weight ).
Res: 0.01 % salt.
Accuracy 0.5 % salt value
Temperature Compensation Automatic 0 to 60 ℃

3b. Hardness
Range Measurement Resolution ( Accuracy ±2%F.S.+1d)
10 PPM 0 to 10.00 PPM 0.01 PPM
100 PPM 0 to 100 PPM 0.1 PPM
1,000 PPM 100 to 1,000 PPM 1 PPM
10,000 PPM 1,000 to 10,000 PPM 10 PPM
100,000 PPM 10,000 to 100,000 PPM 100 PPM

3c. Resistivity Accuracy ±(2% F.S.+1d)
automatic 5 ohm to 1 ohm
Range 99.99 M ohm 0.01 M ohm

4.Dissolved oxygen
Measurement DO: 0 to 20.0 mg/L Resolution: 0.1 mg/L.
Accuracy : ±0.4 mg/L.
Oxygen in Air 0 to 100.0 %, Resolution: 0.1 %
Accuracy : ±0.7% O2.
Temperature 0 to 50 ℃. Res: 0.1 ℃.
Accuracy: ±0.8 ℃

Accessories included ( Termasuk )
* Instruction Manual
* Probe CDPB-04 Conductivity/TDS/Salt/ Hardness probe
* Batere AA ( 1,5 Volt) 6 pcs

Optional Accessories ( Tidak termasuk )
* CD-14 conductivity Solution
* PH probe PE-03, PE-11, PE-06HDA
* ORP Probe ORP-14
* SD Card
* DO probe OXPB-11
* ATC Temp Probe TP-07
* PH 4 & 7 Buffer solution
* DC Adaptor 9 Volt

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