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Water Level Meter Solinst 101 P7 (100M) Murah

Kategori: Water Level Meter | Dilihat: 77 Kali
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Kode Produk: Solinst 101 P7 Probe Stok Tersedia - 10-08-2024
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Water Level Meter Solinst 101 P7 Probe

The Solinst Model 101 P7 Probe Water Level Meter features a pressure-proof probe rated to 500 psi and laser marked PVDF tape.
Probe is submersible to 1000 ft. for measuring total well depth
Non-stretch PVDF well tape with stainless steel conductors
Permanent laser markings every 1/100 ft. or each millimeter

For measuring the depth to water in wells, boreholes, standpipes, and tanks, Model 101 P7 Probe Water Level Meters are the industry standard for portable hand operated meters. They are sturdy, easy to use and read accurately to 1/100 ft. or each millimeter. The Model 101 P7 Water Level Meter features a pressure-proof probe rated to 500 psi and laser marked PVDF tape. The P7 Probe is submersible up to 1000 ft. (300 m), ideal for measuring total well depth. The sensor at the tip of the probe provides consistent measurements with almost zero displacement. The tape seal plug design allows the probe to be quickly and easily replaced, if required.

The Model 101 P7 Probe Water Level Meter uses extremely durable, PVDF flat tape, traceable to NIST and EU measurement standards. Each tape conductor contains 13 strands of stainless steel, and 6 strands of copper-coated steel, making the tape non-stretch and high in tensile strength and electrical efficiency. The well tape has a thick dog bone design that prevents adherence to wet surfaces, and allows it to hang straight in application. The tape is also easy to splice. The 3/8″ (10 mm) well tapes come with permanent laser markings every 1/100 ft. or each millimeter.

Features :

Markings each 1/100 ft. or millimeter
Traceable to national standards
Sensitivity adjustable to conductivity
Probes avoid false readings in cascading water

Permanent laser markings
Non-stretch PVDF tape with stainless steel conductors

Long Life:
Rugged, corrosion proof components
Strong, flexible tapes
Easy to splice and repair

PVDF replacement tapes are interchangeable with other meters

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