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Kategori: Clinometer,Compass | Dilihat: 5 Kali
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Kode Produk: SILVA DUAL COMPASS CLINOMETER SUM360LA Stok Tersedia - 10-07-2024
Detail Produk


SILVA DUAL COMPASS CLINOMETER SUM360LA This patented double instrument is a combination of the SightMaster and the ClinoMaster especially well suited for professionals who need to measure vertical angles/ heights and compass bearings.

Benefits of the SurveyMaster are:
Two instruments in one.
Very easy to read thanks to the open to light, crystal clear scales.
Can be equipped with any SightMaster and ClinoMaster scale to special order.
Quick setting time thanks to the liquid damped scales.
Extremely accurate.

The SurveyMaster is available in two versions, featuring different sighting-systems: Lensatic and Prismatic. The SurveyMaster Lensatic is the traditional SurveyMaster model featuring an aluminium protected sighting system withstanding the toughest conditions.
Sighting system : The SightMaster Lensatic is equipped with a parallax free glass magnification ( 10x) sighting system integrated in the aluminium housing.
Capsule : Anti-static liquid filled for optimal dampening of the compass card.
Compass card : The SurveyMaster Lensatic is equipped with an aluminium compass card with precision scale and a top scale for direct readings on the top of the capsule at the lubber line. It has sapphire jewel bearing for friction free movement of the card, allowing fast and accurate readings.
Accuracy : Max + - 0.5° from true magnetic course with direct reading at the lubber line on top of the capsule.
Clinometer card : the SurveyMaster is equipped with an aluminium clinometer card with precision scale and a top scale for direct readings on the top of the capsule at the lubber line. They have sapphire jewel bearing for friction free movement on the card, allowing fast and accurate readings.
Accuracy : Max + - 0.25° from true angle with precision sighting. Max + - 1.0° from true angle with direct Dimensions and weight : LA model, 160 x 54 x 16 mm. Weight 230 gm


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