OTDR Joinwit JW3302xr ORIGINAL
OTDR Joinwit JW3302xr ORIGINAL
OTDR Joinwit JW3302XR adalah meteran Cerdas untuk mendeteksi sistem komunikasi serat. Dengan mempopulerkan konstruksi jaringan optik di kota dan negara, pengukuran jaringan optik menjadi pendek dan menyebar; 3302XR dirancang khusus untuk aplikasi semacam itu. Ini ekonomi, memiliki kinerja yang luar biasa.
JW3302XR banyak digunakan dalam proyek internet FTTH, jaringan optik lokal, jaringan optik area metropolitan, pengerjaan jaringan PON, penempatan, perawatan, verifikasi dan pengajaran & riset materi optik.
VFL (opsional)
- Panjang gelombang operasi: 650nm ± 20nm
- Daya keluaran: 2mW (khas)
- Mode operasi: CW, 1Hz dan 2Hz
Pengukur daya optik (opsional)
- Rentang panjang gelombang: 1200nm ~ 1650nm
- Rentang daya: -60dBm ~ 0dBm
- Ketidakpastian: ± 5% (-25dBm, CW)
Sumber cahaya stabil (opsional)
- Panjang gelombang operasi: sama dengan OTDR
- Daya keluaran: -5dBm
- Mode operasi: CW, 270Hz, 1kHz dan 2kHz
Fitur Joinwit JW3302XR
- Layar LCD warna TFT 7 inci, layar sentuh kapasitif
- Jangkauan dinamis maksimum hingga 50dB
- Titik pengambilan sampel data 256k
- Tes Online jaringan PON
- Menembus optik splitter hingga 1:128
- Uji setiap cabang jaringan PON secara akurat
- Tes OTDR SM dan MM multi-fungsi terintegrasi
- Fitur: OTDR, peta acara, OPM, ol, VFL (mikroskop opsional)
- Deteksi otomatis dan alarm sinyal optik yang masuk. Cepat melindungi perangkat
- Mendukung Bellcore GR196 dan SR-4731; Laporan uji keluaran gambar
- Berbagai antarmuka eksternal: USB, MICRO-USB, 10M/100M Ethernet
- Baterai litium internal; Waktu operasi: lebih dari 8 jam
- Antarmuka output optik FC/UPC, SC/UPC, (opsional APC)
- Mendukung berbagai antarmuka bahasa Cina, Inggris, Spanyol, Perancis, Jerman, Italia, Portugis, Rusia, Korea, dll
Typical Applications Joinwit JW3302XR
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Spesifikasi OTDR Joinwit JW3302XR
Display | 7 inch TFT-LCD with LED backlight (touch screen function is optional) | |
Interface | USB, MICRO USB , 10M/100M, Ethernet, earphone and micro SD | |
Power Supply | 10V(dc), 100V(ac) to 240V(ac), 50~60Hz | |
Battery | 7.4V(dc)/6.8mAh lithium battery (with air traffic certification) | |
Operating time | 12 hours, Telcordia GR-196-CORE | |
Charging time | <4 hours (power off) | |
Backlight off | Disable/1 to 99 minutes | |
Auto shutdown | Disable/1 to 99 minutes | |
Operating temperature and humidity: | -10~+50, 95% (non-condensation)Storage temperature and humidity: -20~+75, 95% (non-condensation)Proof: IP65 (IEC60529) |
Spesifikasi teknis Joinwit JW3302XR
Maximum dynamic range | See the “Technical specifications for each standard | |
module of OTDR” for more information. | ||
Ranging accuracy | ±(0.75 + sample interval + 0.0025% × range) | |
(excluding the refractivity placement error) (m) | ||
Ranging resolution | 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 32m | |
Test range | 0.4, 0.8, 1.6, 3.2, 6.4, 16, 32, 64, | |
128, 256 and 512km (mono-mode); | ||
0.4, 0.8, 1.6, 3.2, 6.4, 16 and 32km | ||
(850nm multi-mode) | ||
Testing PW | 3, 5, 10, 30, 80, 160, 320, | |
640, 1280, 5120, 10240 and 20480ns; | ||
3, 5, 10, 30, 80, 160, 320, | ||
640 and 1280ns(850nm multi-mode) | ||
Maximum number of | 256k | |
sampling points | ||
Linearity | 0.03dB/dB | |
Loss resolution | 0.001dB | |
Refractivity setting range | 1.00000 ~ 1.99999(step: 0.00001) | |
Range unit | km, m, thousand feet, feet | |
Display | 800×480, 7-inch TFT color LCD | |
(a capacitive touch screen in | ||
the standard configuration, | ||
and a resistive touch screen optional) | ||
Optical output interface | FC/UPC (standard configuration, with LC/UPC, SC/UPC | |
and ST/UPC optional) | ||
Interface language | Simplified Chinese, English, | |
Russian and Korean available | ||
(contact the office for other language support) | ||
External interfaces | USB, Micro-USB, 10M/100M Ethernet, | |
earphone and Micro SD | ||
Power supply | AC/DC adapter: AC100V~240V, | |
50/60Hz and 1.5A; DC: 17V±3V(2A) | ||
Internal Li battery: 11.1V, 6800mAh, | ||
battery operating time: 8h | ||
Power consumption | 10W | |
Dimensions | 30*27*15cm | |
Weight | About 1.8kg | |
Environmental adaptability | Operating temperature: -10℃~+50℃ | |
(battery charging: 5℃~40℃) | ||
Storage temperature: -40℃~+70℃ | ||
(battery: -20℃~60℃) | ||
RH: 5% ~95%, no condensation. |
CV.MITRA LASER bergerak dalam bidang penjualan Alat Survey, Digital Instrument, GPS (Global Positioning System), Surveying Instruments, Hidrologi dan Klimatologi, Test and Measurement, Radio Komunikasi dan Satelite Communication, Telecommunication, Peralatan Marine/Kelautan, Alat Teknik, Alat Ukur/Uji Beton, Perkakas dan Peralatan Geologi.
Office :
Jl.Inpres 18, Komplek Sabar Ganda No.11 Kel.Larangan Selatan, Kec. Larangan, Kota Tangerang 15154
Untuk info dan harga terbaik, silahkan hubungi :
Mobile : 085353410506 / 089618877628
WA : 085353410506
Email: rifky.gps93@gmail.com