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ICOM MR-1220 Marine Radar # Original

Kategori: ICOM | Dilihat: 63 Kali
Harga: Rp 29.000.000
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Kode Produk: ICOM MR-1220 Stok Tersedia - 10-03-2025
Detail Produk

ICOM MR-1220 Marine Radar Radar Kelas Komersial dengan Fitur Keamanan Eksklusif

ICOM MR-1220 Marine Radar untuk menjaga keamanan pengguna dari tabrakan dengan kapal dan benda lain, MR-1220 dilengkapi dengan fitur dan fungsi keselamatan. Layar besar memberi pengguna opsi dan fitur pemetaan intuitif. Ketika dipasangkan dengan pemindai canggih, pengguna dapat memanfaatkan jangkauan yang luas.

Simplified Automatic Radar Plotting Aids (ARPA) Function
The simplified ARPA function*1 *2 assists you to prevent your vessel from colliding with other vessels or objects. When a target enters the preset watch area, it is automatically tracked on the radar echo. By selecting one of the targets, the target information, such as position, course, speed, CPA (Closest Point of Approach), TCPA (Time to CPA), bearing, and distance is displayed. When a target enters the CPA, or it exceeds the set TCPA, an alarm sounds to warn you.

Digital Selective Calling (DSC) Information Display function
When connected to a DSC radio and a DSC call is received, the received message is displayed on the MR-1220*1. The function shows the DSC message, and the location where the DSC call is transmitted. Up to 20 DSC messages can be plotted. A Man Overboard waypoint can also be displayed.

Automatic Identification System (AIS) Overlay Function
When connected to an external AIS device (including Icom IC-M605 and IC-M506 AIS), up to 100 AIS target icons are overlaid on the radar echo*1. By selecting an AIS icon, vessel information such as AIS class, MMSI number, vessel name, course, speed, CPA, TCPA, bearing, and distance is displayed.

External Buzzer Connection
The MR-1220 has an external buzzer terminal on the rear panel. You can sound an alarm beeper to effectively inform of danger, when a target enters the CPA or it exceeds the TCPA

Plot Function
The Plot function*1 records your vessel's longitude and latitude at the set time interval, and displays your track on the radar echo.

3D Display Function
The MR-1220 provides an intuitive bird's-eye view. You can change the display angle according to your own preference. The 2D view can be displayed at the same time.

Multi-Lingual User Interface
You can select the display language from English, Indonesian, Korean, Malay, Rus s ian, Spanish, Thai, and Vietnamese.

Optional Video Output Unit
With the optional UX-234 video output unit, the MR-1220 can be connected to an external display. The same radar echoes can be displayed on the main and secondary displays at the same time.

Other Features

Target Latitude Longitude (TLL) function*1
True Trail function*1
Two user programmable alarm zones
Waypoint indication
Power Save function and more


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* C.O.D. ( Cash On Delivery / Bayar ditempat)

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