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Fluke 1507 Digital Insulation Tester 1000V Original

Kategori: FLUKE | Dilihat: 19 Kali
Harga: Rp 12.000.000 Rp 12.500.000
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Kode Produk: Fluke 1507 Stok Tersedia - 12-07-2024
Detail Produk

Jual Fluke 1507 Digital Insulation Tester 1000V, Produk Original ( Country of Origin : China )

AC/DC Voltage Measurement
Accuracy Range, 600.0 V Resolution 0.1 V
50 Hz to 400 Hz ± (% of Rdg + Digits) ±(2% + 3)

Input impedance 3 MΩ (nominal), < 100 pF

Common mode rejection ratio (1 kΩ unbalanced): > 60 dB at DC, 50 or 60 Hz

Overload protection 600 V rms or DC

Earth Bond Resistance Measurement
Range / Resolution
20.00 / 0.01 Ω
200.0 Ω/ 0.1 Ω
2000 Ω/ 1.0 Ω
20.00 kΩ/ 0.01 kΩ
Accuracy ±(1.5% + 3)

Overload protection 2 V rms or DC
Open circuit test voltage > 4.0 V, < 8 V
Short circuit current > 200.0 mA

Insulation Specifications
Measurement range 0.01 MΩ to 10 GΩ
Test voltage 50 V, 100 V, 250 V, 500 V, 1000 V
Test voltage accuracy + 20%, - 0%

Short circuit current : 1 mA nominal
Auto discharge : Discharge time < 0.5 second for C = 1 µF or less
Live circuit indicator : Inhibit test if terminal voltage > 30 V prior to initialization of test
Maximum capacitive load : Operable with up to 1 µF load

Measure accuracy
50 V ±(3% + 5)
100 V ±(3% + 5)
250 V ±(1.5% + 5)
500 V ±(1.5% + 5)
1000 V ±(1.5% + 5) to 2000 MΩ, ±(10% + 3) above 2000 MΩ

Maximum voltage applied to any terminal: 600 V AC rms or DC
Operating temperature -20°C to 55°C (-4°F to 131°F)

Included accessories ( Termasuk dalam produk )
* TL224 Test Leads
* TP74 Test Probes
* Batere AA ( 1,5 Volt ) 4 pcs
* clips PN 1958654 (red)
* clips PN 1958646 (black)
* Rubber holster and remote probe
* Insulation Tester Safety information

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