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Estwing Palu Godam B32 LB B33LB B34LB B34LBLH

Kategori: Palu Geologi | Dilihat: 49 Kali
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Kode Produk: Estwing Palu Godam Stok Tersedia - 10-07-2024
Detail Produk

Estwing Palu Godam B32 LB B33LB B34LB B34LBLH


Nylon Vinyl Shock Reduction Grip

Estwing's Crack Hammers have a bonded and molded Shock Reduction Grip which offers the utmost in both comfort and durability, while reducing vibrations caused by impact. Estwing hammers are the only hammers that can make this claim. The head and handle are forged in one piece and have an attractive blue UV coating, both faces are fully polished.

For use with chisels, punches, star drills and hardened nails.

Permits heavy blows with limited swing.


Pembayaran dapat dilakukan dengan cara Cash On Delivery / Transfer Bank.

* C.O.D. ( Cash On Delivery / Bayar ditempat)

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1. Pesanan anda kami antar ke tempat anda

2. Setelah anda terima silahkan cek kelengkapan dan kualitas barang

3. Bila sudah ‘ OK’ dan tidak ada masalah baru dibayar

Pembayaran ditempat bisa dalam bentuk tunai ataupun Transfer.

Untuk Pemesanan dan Informasi Harga Terbaik, Hubungi :

Rifki Faisal Bahri

HP : 085353410506 / 089618877628 / 089531793777

Whatsapp : 085353410506

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Office :

Cv.Mitra Laser

Jl.Inpres 18 Komplek Sabar Ganda No 11 Tangerang selatan 15154

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