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Kategori: GPS,GPS Geodetic | Dilihat: 83 Kali
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Kode Produk: EFIX-F7 Stok Tersedia - 26-12-2023
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EFIX-F7 GNSS RTK merupakan alat ataupun perangkat yang digunakan untuk menerima sinyal berupa gelombang sinus yang dipancarkan oleh satelit GPS. Receiver GPS diletakkan pada permukaan bumi guna menerima sinyal tersebut dan mengolahnya menjadi suatu data tertentu.

EFIX-F7 GNSS RTK GPS Geodetic ini di dukung penerima GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, BeiDou dan QZSS

The F7 GNSS receiver integrated IMU-RTK technology provides a robust and accurate positioning in any circumstances. Unlike the standard MEMS-based GNSS receivers, the F7 GNSS IMU-RTK combines state-of-the-art GNSS RTK engine, a calibration-free high-end IMU sensor and advanced GNSS tracking capabilities to dramatically increase RTK availability and reliability.

The F7 automatic pole-tilt compensation boosts survey and stakeout speed by up to 30%. Construction and land surveying projects are achieved with high productivity and reliability pushing the boundaries of conventional GNSS RTK survey.

What’s more, with all these features and performances, F7 is successfully designed to be only palm-size, which is only 0.73kg and perfectly fit in hand.

Palm-sized, fits all in your hand
  • Good fit in the hand,
  • Only 0.73kg
  • Designed for efficiency.
Full constellation support, and advanced RTK engine: fast, accurate, and reliable
  • GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, BeiDou and QZSS, 824 signal channels to track them all.
  • Millimeter to centimeter accuracy thanks to advanced RTK algorithm.
  • Adaptive anti-interference and multipath mitigation capabilities make precision reliable and stable.
Fully integrated GNSS+IMU for greater efficiency
  • Remain good accuracy even when F7 is not held plumb.
  • Reach to where it is difficult or dangerous to do centering, or just when you want to be spared from it.
  • Improve the efficiency by 20%~30%.
Smart battery management, up to 12h RTK operation.
  • Optimized power consumption allows to work 12 hours in RTK mode or 15 hours in static mode.
  • F7 supports charging from a mobile power bank, allowing it to be recharged anytime and anywhere.
Rugged and resistant
  • Magnesium alloy housing makes the F7 lighter and stronger.
  • IP67 dust and waterproof.
  • Resistant to 2m drop.

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