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Kode Produk: CHCNAV RS10 SLAM 3D 5 - 06-02-2025
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CHCNAV RS10 SLAM 3D Laser Scanner + GNSS RTK

CHCNAV RS10 SLAM 3D mengintegrasikan GNSS RTK, pemindaian laser, dan teknologi SLAM visual ke dalam satu platform tunggal. Perpaduan ini meningkatkan efisiensi dan akurasi tugas pemindaian dan survei 3D dalam dan luar ruangan. Ini memberi surveyor kemampuan untuk bekerja di area dengan sinyal GNSS yang lemah, memberikan fleksibilitas yang tak tertandingi. Dirancang untuk survei, BIM, kehutanan, inspeksi saluran listrik, pemetaan bawah tanah, dan banyak lagi, RS10 mewujudkan keserbagunaan, menjadikannya alat penting bagi para profesional yang ingin memperluas kemampuan survei mereka.

Main Features CHCNAV RS10 SLAM 3D

GNSS RTK + SLAM : Combine RTK, laser, and visual SLAM to achieve 5cm absolute accuracy
Real-Time Mapping : Real-time georeferenced point clouds in the field
High-Precision : 1 cm relative accuracy with GNSS and LiDAR technologies
Hot-Swappable Battery : 60 minutes per battery with hot-swap capability for uninterrupted operation

Benefits and Performances

Integrated GNSS RTK and SLAM
Combine GNSS RTK and SLAM for unparalleled flexibility. The RS10 ensures precise data collection in areas with weak or no GNSS signals, enhancing indoor and outdoor surveying accuracy

High-Precision Measurement
Achieve 5 cm absolute measurement accuracy with the 4th generation GNSS antenna and high-precision LiDAR. The RS10 delivers reliable data for detailed architectural surveys and complex infrastructure projects

Real-Time SLAM Mapping
The RS10 creates georeferenced point clouds directly in the field with real-time SLAM capabilities. It provides immediate feedback on collected data, allowing for on-the-fly adjustments to ensure complete coverage

Efficient Loop-Free Workflow
Eliminate the need for traditional loop closure with integrated GNSS and SLAM technologies to simplify field data collection and reduce project completion time and effort

Versatile Application Support
Use the RS10 for a wide range of applications, from BIM and forestry to power line inspection and underground mapping. Its versatility makes it an invaluable tool for professionals in various fields

Comprehensive Software Integration
The RS10 streamlines your workflow with the SmartGo and CoPre software for real-time data visualization and point cloud processing. It supports efficient and accurate data management from collection to modeling

Durable and Lightweight Design
Operate in challenging environments with the IP64-rated, lightweight RS10. The robust design ensures reliability and ease of use in diverse conditions

Hot-Swappable Battery
Maintain continuous operation with the hot-swappable lithium battery. The RS10 offers 60 minutes of runtime per battery, allowing for seamless replacement without powering off the unit

Specifications CHCNAV RS10

Laser Scanner
Channels : 16 or 32
Range : 120 or 300 m
Scanning rate : 320,000 or 640,000 pulses/sec
Field of view : 210° x 170°
Returns : Up to 2

Camera : 15 MP (3x 5 MP)

Absolute accuracy : < 5 cm H / < 5 cm V
Relative accuracy : < 1 cm

[caption id="attachment_7041" align="alignnone" width="150"]CHCNAV RS10 SLAM 3D CHCNAV RS10 SLAM 3D[/caption]

CV.MITRA LASER bergerak dalam bidang penjualan Alat Survey, Digital Instrument, GPS (Global Positioning System), Surveying Instruments, Hidrologi dan Klimatologi, Test and Measurement, Radio Komunikasi dan Satelite Communication, Telecommunication, Peralatan Marine/Kelautan, Alat Teknik, Alat Ukur/Uji Beton, Perkakas dan Peralatan Geologi.

Office :
Jl.Inpres 18, Komplek Sabar Ganda No.11 Kel.Larangan Selatan, Kec. Larangan, Kota Tangerang 15154
Untuk info dan harga terbaik, silahkan hubungi :

Mobile : 085353410506 / 089618877628
WA : 085353410506

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