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Auto Level Waterpass Spectra AL28M

Kategori: Alat Survey,Automatic Level | Dilihat: 66 Kali
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Kode Produk: Spectra AL28M Stok Tersedia - 05-12-2023
Detail Produk

Auto Level Waterpass Spectra AL28M

Spectra AL28M, Automatic Level atau yang biasa disebut Waterpass adalah alat pengukur untuk menentukan beda tinggi suatu bidang/lahan. Dengan pembesaran 28x dan kompensator otomatis cepat, akurat dan stabil Automatic Level Spectra AL28M / Waterpass Spectra AL28M memberikan kualitas dan ketepatan dengan harga yang terjangkau.

Waterpass / Automatic Level Spectra Precision AL Series

Choice of magnification: 24x, 28x, or 32x
Choice of magnetic or air-dampened automatic compensators
Double-sided, continuous horizontal tangent drives
Convenient horizontal angle measurement
Built in bubble mirror and optical sighting alignment
Metal housing increases durability
Water resistant construction
The AL series automatic levels are designed for a variety of elevation control and alignment tasks including general building construction, cut and fill measurements, area leveling, and landscaping.

The levels are easy to set up and attaches quickly to flat or domed head tripods. An adjustable built-in bubble mirror can be tilted for easy viewing of the circular bubble in any position. A built-in optical peep sight and double-sided endless tangent drives allow for easy targeting and operation with either hand.

Reliable automatic compensators ensure stability and accuracy in the line of sight. Telescope optics are bright and clear providing sharp images for ease of viewing.

Rugged metal housings provide increased durability. Weather resistant housing design and rubber and plastic controls ensure the instruments can continue working even in adverse environmental conditions. All models include a hard-shell carrying case, plumb bob, rain hood, allen wrench, adjusting pin, and manual.

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Jual Auto Level Waterpass Spectra AL28M dengan harga murah hanya di CV.MITRA LASER dan tentunya dengan barang 100% Original.
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