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ADITEG OS-620 Analog Oscilloscope 20 MHz Original

Kategori: ADITEG,Oscilloscope | Dilihat: 79 Kali
Harga: Rp 4.400.000 Rp 5.000.000
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Kode Produk: ADITEG OS-620 Stok Tersedia - 15-07-2024
Detail Produk

Jual ADITEG OS-620 Analog Oscilloscope 20 MHz
Vertical System
Sensitivity 5mV~5V/div,10 steps in 1-2-5 sequence
Sensitivity Accuracy 3%(x5 MAG: 5%)
Vernier vertical Sensitivity To 1/2.5 or less
Frequency Bandwidth DC~20MHz(x5 MAG:DC~7MHz) AC Coupling: 10Hz
Rise Time Approx:17.5ns(x5 MAG:50ns)
Input Impedance Approx:1M/25pF
Square wave Overshoot: 5%(At 10mV/div range)
Characteristic Other distortions and other ranges:5% added to the above value.
DC Balance Shift 5mV~5V/div:0.5DIV, 1mV~2Mv/DIV 2.0DIV
Linearity 0.1DIV of amplitude change when waveform of 2DIV at graticule center is moved vertically.
Vertical system: CH1: Channel CH2: ChannelDUAL: Channel 1 & Channel ADD: Addition of Channel 1 and Channel 2
Chopping repetition Frequency Approx 250KHz
Input Coupling AC, GND, DC
Max Input Voltage 300Vp-p
CMRR 50: 1(@50KHz sine wave)
Isolation between channels(At 5mv/DIV range) at 50kHz ; >30: 1 at 20MHz
2) Vertical System
CH1 Signal Output Min. 20mV/DC (50 output bandwidth 50Hz~5MHz)
CH2 INV BAL Balance variance ratio1DIV
3) Triggering
Triggering Soure CH1, CH2, LINE, EXT
Coupling AC: 2MHz~20MHz: 1.5DIVSlope: +/-
4) Horizontal System
Trigger signal Input Impedance Max Input Voltage: Approx 1M/25pF 300V(DC+AC peak)AC not exceed 1KHz
Sweep time: 0.2uSec 0.5Sec/DIV, 20 steps in 1-2-5 sequence
Vernier sweep time control: 1/2.5 of panel-indicated value
Sweep magnification: 10 times
x10MAG Sweep time accuracy: 5%,
Linearity 3%, x10MAG: 5%(20ns and 50ns are uncalibrated) 5) X-Y Mode
Ukuran kemasan : Panjang 53 Cm x Lebar 42 cm x Tiggi 27 cm

Accessories included :
- User manual
- Power Cord
- Probe x1, x10 ( 2 Pcs )

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