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ADITEG ADS-2202 Digital Oscilloscope 200 MHz Original

Kategori: ADITEG,Alat Ukur & Uji,Oscilloscope | Dilihat: 61 Kali
Harga: Rp 9.500.000 Rp 11.000.000
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Kode Produk: ADITEG ADS-2202 Stok Tersedia - 16-07-2024
Detail Produk

Jual ADITEG ADS-2202 Digital Oscilloscope 200 MHz
Bandwith 200 MHz
Sampling Rate 1 GS / s
Display Color , LCD 7 inch
Rise time < 2.4 ns
Input Impedance 1MΩ +/- 2% ll 17 pF ±13 Pf
Sec / div Range 2.5ns/div-50S/div
Scan : 100ms-50s/div ( 1-2 , 5-5 sequence )

Channels 2 Channel
Vertical Sensitivity 2 mV – 10V/div at input BNC(1-2-5 Sequence )
Vertical resolution 8 bit
Equivalent Sampling Rate 50 Gsa/s
Timebase Accuracy ± 100 ppm measured over 10 ms interval
Time window 12 Divisons
Memory Depth Single Channel : 2M ; Double Channel : 1M/CH
Channel voltage offset range 2 mv-200 mv : ± 1.6 V
206 Mv-10v : ± 40 V in Fixed Gain ranges & Variable Gain ranges
Input Coupling AC, DC, GND
Max input Voltage ± 400 V PK-PK CAT I
Save / Recall Support 2 Group referenced Waveform, 20 Group setups, 20 Group captured Waveform internal Storage/Recall function and USB flash driver storage function
Auto Set Auto adjusting the Vertical, Horizontal system and Trigger Position
Measure Display models MAIN, WINDOW, WINDOW ZOOM, SCAN, X-Y
Trigger Types Edge, Pulse Width, Video, Slope, Alternative
Match operation FFT Window mode : Hanning, Hamming, Blackman, Rectangular
FFT Sampling points : 1024 points
Auto Measure Vpp, Vmax, Vmin, Vamp, Vtop, Vbase, Vavg, Mean, Crms, Vrms, ROVshoot, FOVshoot, RPREShoot, FPREEShoot, Rise time, Freq, Period, +Wid,-Wid, +Dut, -Dut, Bwid, Phase, FRR, FRF, FFR, FFF, LRR, LRF, LFR, LFF
Sample Types Real time, Equivalent time
Sample mode Sample, Peak Measure, Average
Averages 4, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256
Display languages English, French, German, Russian, Spanish, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Potuguese, Japanese, Korean, Italian, Arabic
Input voltage 100-240V AC, 45 Hz – 440 Hz , 50 VA Max
Size and weigth 305 mm x 133 mm x 154 mm
Hardware Frequency Counter
Reading Resolution 6 bytes
Accuracy ± 0.01%

Accessories inlcuded ( Termasuk )
* Test probe x1, x10 = 2 pcs
* Instruction manual
* Power cord

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