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ADITEG ADS-1025 Digital Oscilloscope 25 MHz Original

Kategori: ADITEG,Oscilloscope | Dilihat: 41 Kali
Harga: Rp 5.500.000 Rp 6.500.000
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Kode Produk: ADITEG ADS-1025 Stok Tersedia - 15-07-2024
Detail Produk

Jual ADITEG ADS-1025 Digital Oscilloscope 25 MHz
2 Cahnnel, Color Display
Input Coupling AC,DC, GND
Input impedance 1M 3% || 16pF 3pF(502%)
Maximum input voltage 400V (DC+AC peak value)
Sampling mode Real-time sampling , Sampling Rate : 1 GS/s
Storage depth Single channel 40kpts, Dual channel 20kpts
Acquire mode Sampling, peak value detection, average value
Average time 4, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256
Horizontal system
Time base 2ns/div ~ 50s/div, step 32 gears according to sequence 1-2-5
Horizontal displacement range 100div
Display mode Y-T mode, X-Y mode , X-Y mode phase difference 3 Degrees
Trigger mode Auto, normal, single
Auto setup The auto setup function can realize automatic regulation of the vertical system, the horizontal system and the trigger position.
Save/recall 2 groups of reference waveform, 16 groups of common waveform, 16 groups of setups; save and recall from USB flash drive of the waveform, setups, CSV and bitmap files (CSV and the bitmaps cannot be recalled from the USB flash disc) are supported.

Accessories included :
- User manual
- Probe Oscilloscope 2 Pcs
- Power Cord
- USB Cable + Software

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