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Aditeg 4105A Digital Earth Tester

Kategori: ADITEG | Dilihat: 47 Kali
Harga: Rp 2.100.000 Rp 2.300.000
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Kode Produk: Aditeg 4105A Stok Tersedia - 12-07-2024
Detail Produk

Aditeg 4105A Digital Earth Tester Quality Premium

Grounding Resistance Meter , as a professional Instrument for measurement of grounding resistance of electrical equipment, is made by improving the circuit, structure, and technology of traditional ground resistance meter. This meter will provide more complete function, higher accuracy and more convenient operation. It designed to measure the grounding resistance of grounding systems of a variety of power systems, electrical equipment and lightning protection equipment, and also to measure AC voltage.

Technical Data
Measurement : Earth Resistance
0 - 20 (2% + 0.1) 0.01
0 - 200 (2% + 3d) 0.1
0 - 2000 (2% + 3d) 1
Earth Voltage 0 - 200 V AC (2.0% + 6d) 0.1V

Accessories included ( termasuk dalam produk)
Ground drill rod 2 Pcs
Auxiliary testing wire 1 set
( including : a piece of 15 meters red wire, 10- meter yellow wire, and 5 meter green wire )
Simple testing wire 1 set ( including a piece of 1.6 meter red wire and 1.6 meter green wire )
Strap 1 piece
Instruction manual
Soft Carrying Case
Battery LR6AA (1.5V) 8 Pcs

General Features
Display 84.8 x 59.8 mm LCD display, max display 1999
Over range presentation
It will display 1 on the top number when it is over range
Power 8 Pcs Battery LR6AA ( 1.5V )
Work environment Temperature 0- 40 C , relative humidity 30%-80%
Product size 175(L) x 110(W) x70(D) mm

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Rifki Faisal Bahri
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Jl.Inpres 18 Komplek Sabar Ganda No 11 Tangerang selatan 15154
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