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Ultrasonic Flowmeter 15-100mm TS-2 TUF2000M ORIGINAL

Kategori: Alat Ukur & Uji,Alat Ukur Arus Air | Dilihat: 5 Kali
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Kode Produk: Ultrasonic Flowmeter 15-100mm TS-2 TUF2000M 5 - 12-12-2024
Detail Produk

Ultrasonic Flowmeter 15-100mm TS-2 TUF2000M

Ultrasonic Flow Meter TUF2000M mengukur laju aliran cairan dengan metode ultrasonik.

High accuracy.
Linearity: better than 0.5%
Repeatability: better than 0.2%
Accuracy: better than +-1%.
Wide measuring range: Several types transducer for selection, pipe size from DN15mm to DN6000mm
Far transmission distance: Connecting module and secondary meter through RS-485 interface, transmission distance up to 1000m

Powerful Functions:
Current output: 4-20mA, one channel, can be used for flow/heat transmitter
OCT output: two channels, can be used for flow /heat switch
Current input: 4-20mA, three channels, can be used for data collector
Tri-wire resistance signal input (PT100): two channels, can be used for calorimeter

[caption id="attachment_6879" align="alignnone" width="150"]Ultrasonic Flowmeter 15-100mm TS-2 TUF2000M ORIGINAL Ultrasonic Flowmeter 15-100mm TS-2 TUF2000M ORIGINAL[/caption]

Wide Application:
Its unique features, particularly low cost, small size, high performance, local display, make it the ideal choice for industrial automation, processing control, flow meter networking, composing multi-channel, high accuracy flow meter.

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Jl.Inpres 18 Komplek Sabar Ganda No 11 Tangerang selatan 15154
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